Supervision & Didactics
All interns receive a minimum of two hours of individual supervision and three hours of group supervision each week. Two hours of group supervision each week are held with all members of the psychology training program (psychology trainee(s), psychology doctoral interns, and psychology postdoctoral fellow(s). The remaining hour of group supervision is held during the days interns complete their weekly CSU rotation. Individual and group supervision involves clinical, scientific, ethics, and professional aspects. Members of the training committee and adjunct supervisors provide weekly individual and group supervision experiences. Individual supervision will be provided by a licensed psychologist. Whenever possible, training opportunities, including didactics and group supervision will occur on Wednesdays.
The mission of the Appalachian Psychology Internship is to produce graduates who are prepared for the entry-level practice of professional psychology in rural areas
Accreditation Status
Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
The Appalachian Psychology Internship Program is accredited by the American Psychological Association. Questions related to the program’s accreditation status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation.
American Psychological Association
750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 336-5979
Questions or Request?