Hopewell Health Centers is a nationally accredited federally qualified health and community mental health center with 22 sites across nine counties in Southeast Ohio (Athens, Gallia, Hocking, Jackson, Meigs, Perry, Ross, Vinton, and Washington).
Our philosophy is simple. We believe that the best approach to wellness involves treating both the body and the mind. That’s why we offer a wide range of primary care, behavioral health, and prevention programs and services. Whether you need medical, dental, or behavioral health care, our caring staff is here to help you.
Available in Meigs, Vinton, Perry, Ross, and Athens Counties
HHC offers a full range of dental services at our Meigs, Vinton, Perry, Ross, and Athens clinics.
Primary Care
Available in Athens, Hocking, Meigs, Perry, Ross, and Vinton Counties
HHC offers high quality primary care services for everyone, regardless of ability to pay. A Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service Section 33 Community/Migrant Health Center grant supports access to primary care services for the uninsured, underinsured and indigent through subsidizing a sliding fee scale based on the individual's ability to pay.

Pharmacy Services
HHC offers both clinical and retail pharmacy services for its patients. There is a retail pharmacy in the Logan Primary Care clinic accessible to all HHC patients. Pharmacists are available to consult with all providers and patients of HHC.
Early Childhood Programs
Help Me Grow (Athens County)
HHC offers Help Me Grow Early Intervention/Service Coordination services in Athens County. Through this program, children ages 0-3 can obtain a free developmental evaluation. Children who are experiencing documented health or developmental concerns may also obtain free service coordination and parent support.
Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (Athens, Hocking, and Vinton Counties)
For children younger than four years experiencing behavioral problems, a specialized team is available to assess a child's development and functioning, and plan appropriate treatment strategies with parents or caregivers. Staff provides services in some preschools, Head Start Centers and Day Care Centers as well as in County clinics and homes.
Women Infants and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program (Athens and Perry Counties)
WIC provides education and nutritional food supplements for at risk children from birth through five years of age, and pregnant, postpartum, and breast feeding women. On average, WIC serves 1,800 clients in Athens County and 1,300 in Perry County in any given month. Athens County WIC is a member agency of United Appeal for Athens County.
Behavioral Health Services
Available in Athens, Gallia, Hocking, Jackson, Meigs, Vinton, and Washington Counties
Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment Services
For adult consumers who experience severe mental illness, child consumers who experience severe emotional disturbances, or any consumer in psychiatric crisis and at risk for psychiatric hospitalization, CPST services (once called "case management") are available. These services may be home, community or office based, depending on the needs of the consumer. Assistance with accessing needed community resources, including entitlements, housing and medical care, learning adaptive daily living skills and understanding and living with a mental illness are all part of CPST services. CPST providers assist the consumer with treatment planning and crisis management. Communication and linkage with family members and significant others (with client permission) are also important parts of CPST Service. CPST services differ depending upon the needs of the consumer. CPST providers are advocates and brokers of services. Their goal is to help the client maximize his/her own potential and live productively in the community.
Outpatient Counseling Services
Diagnostic assessment, individual, group, family and marital counseling are available as needed. Services are designed to be brief and solution-focused in nature. Our goal is to assist our clients in identifying and mobilizing their own coping skills and natural supports as well as learning new skills and ways of dealing with their environment. The goal of treatment is not solution of problems per se, but rather the enhancement and development of skills to enable the client to engage in effective problem solving once out of the office. The projected length of treatment for most individuals is six sessions. We recognize, however, that not all situations lend themselves to brief treatment, and we attempt to provide appropriate and effective, as well as cost-effective, services to all individuals. HHC has counselors who are specially trained to deal with trauma, including physical and sexual abuse. Groups are also available to help clients develop skills in areas such as anger management, abuse recovery, relationships and coping skills.
Crisis Services
Crisis intervention and hospital prescreening services are available face-to-face or by phone (as appropriate) 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) workers evaluate individuals in psychiatric crisis and enable them to receive appropriate services (e.g., hospitalization, crisis residential services, CPST or outpatient counseling.). Evaluation sites include agency facilities (during office hours) and local Emergency Rooms. CIT services can be accessed during work hours through all behavioral health clinics and 24 hours a day through the Crisis Services telephone line (1-888-475-8484 or in Athens 593-3344).
School-Based Services
In multiple school districts throughout our service area, HHC has counselors and CPST providers working in schools to provide services to youth. Service eligibility criteria are the same as for clinic-based services, but school-based services are often more convenient for consumers and allow a greater involvement from school personnel.
Intensive Home-Based Treatment
Counselors and CPST providers who have been trained in Intensive Home-based Treatment work with families experiencing severe difficulties. This evidence-based practice supports families in developing new skills and healthier relationships.
Partial Hospitalization / REACH
HHC's REACH program provides day-long treatment (Monday - Friday) for children experiencing severe emotional problems and having difficulty functioning successfully in their schools, families and communities. Programming involves educational, individual and group counseling, individual and group CPST, behavior management and skills building. Daily education is provided by the Athens-Meigs Educational Service Center. Transportation to and from home is provided. A psychiatric medical provider meets with children weekly on site (as needed). Separate treatment environments are provided for younger (7 - 11) and older (12 - 17) children.
Although many individuals who receive behavioral health services are treated with counseling or CPST alone, there are some problems which are more effectively treated with a combination of counseling or CPST and psychiatric medication (or with medication as the primary intervention). Severe depression, other mood disorders, many anxiety disorders and thought disorders are examples of these problems. When needed, counselors and CPST providers can discuss the usefulness of an evaluation for psychiatric medication with their clients, and if the client is in agreement, a referral will be made to one of our clinic psychiatrists or Advanced Practice Nurses (APRNs). In severe or complicated cases, the medical practitioner will continue to follow the course of medication. In less complicated cases, when the client's medication is stable, efforts are made to refer the client back to his/her family physician to follow the medication. It is understood, of course, that consultation with or referral back to a clinic psychiatrist is always an option should the client's status change.
Substance Abuse Outpatient Programming for Adults and Children (Varies by Location)
HHC is certified by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (ODMHAS) to provide substance abuse treatment services.
SAMI (Substance Abusing Mentally Ill) Court (Athens only)
In collaboration with law enforcement in Athens, Hocking and Vinton Counties, HHC has developed a jail diversion program for severely mentally ill adults. If law enforcement encounters individuals who are engaging in nonviolent misdemeanor behavior or are at risk to do so because of symptoms of mental illness, they have the option of bringing the person to the Respite Crisis Center, where the person can be guested for up to 24 hours for observation and referral for treatment if needed. Charges may be filed, but this is not mandatory for participation. This program provides an alternative to jail for mentally ill persons and also allows law enforcement to pass the consumer on to treatment personnel quickly, thereby returning to patrol in very little time (an average of about 10 minutes).
Medication Assisted Treatment
Hopewell Health Centers provides medication assisted treatment (MAT) utilizing the drug Vivitrol. Vivitrol, a long acting injectable version of the drug Naltrexone, was selected as a more viable alternative to Suboxone (Buprenorphine), which has been shown to have abuse potential, and is often traded for other street drugs or sold for cash.
The Vivitrol Program is unique and consists of several core features. First of all, it takes place in the context of an already successful drug court that has been certified by the Ohio Supreme Court. While participants in the program are experiencing legal problems, they also have serious mental health needs, lack employment and transportation, are in overall poor health, are often homeless, and lack a recovery or pro-social support network. The project is designed to address all of these needs and provides participants with key wraparound services such as mental health and substance abuse treatment, case management services and healthcare as they progress through the four phase, twelve month program.
HHC has case aides/drivers who can provide transportation to behavioral health appointments (Athens, Hocking, and Vinton Counties, only).
Outreach and Enrollment
Available in Athens, Gallia, Hocking, Meigs, Perry, Washington, Jackson, Ross, and Vinton Counties
Hopewell Health Centers has "Certified Application Counselors" who can assist consumers with applications for Qualified Health Plans in either the Health Insurance Marketplace or with Ohio's expanded Medicaid program. This is a free public service. Call any of our clinic locations to schedule a an appointment. Go to "Find Local Help" for more information.